Your top candidate reads EdSurge.
We'll help you find them.

Whether you're considering a single hire or planning to grow your team this year, we've got the right solution for you.
1 Job Post
Reach 130K
  • 1 Jobs Board Post
1 Job Post
Reach 220K
  • 1 Jobs Board Post
  • 1 Newsletter Ad
200 Job Posts
Reach 820K
  • 200 Jobs Board Posts
  • 4 Featured Ads
200 Job Posts
Reach 1M+
  • 200 Jobs Board Posts
  • 24 Newsletter Ads
  • 12 Featured Ads

We have multiple channels to help you find great talent


Newsletter Subscribers


Monthly Unique Visitors


Twitter Followers

"EdSurge's Jobs Board, newsletters, and career fairs have been invaluable in sharing our opportunities at Goalbook and allowing us to meet passionate educators. We have partnered with EdSurge since the beginning and have filled many of our roles thanks to their team's help."

Purva Dandona,
Head of Talent Acquisition @ Goalbook

Our Clients include

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What’s the difference between a featured ad and a newsletter ad?

Great question! Featured ads are highlighted at the top of our Jobs Board, ensuring that it’s the first post a job seeker sees. Newsletter ads are highlighted in one of our two weekly newsletters.

Tell me more about the newsletter ads - what’s the benefit of featuring one of our jobs in a newsletter and what newsletters are available?

Happy you asked! Featured posts in our newsletters receive 2-3x the number of application click-throughs and page views, depending on how long the post is featured in the newsletter.

We have two weekly newsletters that go out to distinct audiences:

  1. PK-12 is our educator-focused newsletter that currently goes out to more than 53,000 subscribers. The audience is primarily educators, administrators, and instructional designers.
  2. Higher Ed is our higher education newsletter, with more than 39,000 subscribers. The audience is primarily administrators, faculty, and educators.

Both passive and active job seekers tell us they love perusing the Jobs section in our newsletters - it’s a great way to get exposure to what’s happening in the industry, and learn about new opportunities (that they may not have even known were available!).

I’ve paid for a featured jobs board ad, what now?

The EdSurge team will reach out to you within one business day of your paid post to discuss the date for your featured post (or dates/posts for the Gold or Platinum packages).

Featured ads stay at the top of the Jobs Board for 7 days.

I’ve paid for a newsletter ad, what’s next?

The EdSurge team will reach out to you within one business day of your paid post to discuss which newsletter (and when!) you would like to feature your job. At that time, you can also let us know if you would like to feature your position at a later date or feature a different position from your package (if you have purchased the Gold or Premium package).

It’s been more than 48 hours since I posted my job and paid for additional features but I still haven’t heard from the EdSurge team. How can I reach out?

We hate it when messages get lost in the interwebs! If you haven’t heard from us, please reach out to us directly at with the job post title and your company name. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible!

For any other Jobs Board questions that we didn’t answer here, please reach out to us at

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