TRIBUTE TO THE KHAN: AT&T announced a $2.25 million grant to Khan Academy, the majority of which went to support a new iPad app that the nonprofit released today. The app boasts over 150,000 interactive exercises, handwriting recognition and an engine that recommends content based on a learner's skill level.
Khan Academy's raked in big bucks from foundations across the globe. A back-of-the-napkin calculation, based on its list of supporters in 2014, suggests it received at least $23.5 million. It's a big boost from previous year's financials, which ProPublica has been keeping tabs on.
AT&T's contribution comes from its $350 million Aspire Initiative, of which $100 million is committed to provide free broadband access in Title I schools in support of President Obama's ConnectED plan. AT&T has previously awarded multi-million grants to organizations like GameDesk and provided STEM mentorship to at-risk students.