USER-CENTERED EDUCATION: In his company blog post, IDEO CEO Tim Brown discusses the merits of design-thinking in education with the top-tier design firm's Education Lead, Sandy Speicher. She reveals that through the lens of design, what's "right" for education becomes much more complex. "When you really examine the world of education, you realize that 'the system' is actually an outcome of millions of different solutions, organizations, priorities, and experiences," says Speicher. It's a refreshing take juxtaposed against the "one-size-fits-all" policies (and oftentimes edtech products) plaguing districts across the nation. Of course IDEO wouldn't be IDEO without a bit of forward-thinking optimism. When asked which big questions in education are ripe for design, Speicher offered the following: "How might we develop a network of schools that are of international quality, affordable (under $100/month tuition), and can be scaled to serve hundreds of thousands of children in the rising middle class of Peru?" Whodathunkit?