XXX: Beantown probably needs a new name for all these X's going around. First came edX, the non-profit "startup" between Harvard and MIT that's been a driving force behind the MOOC-ment. Then last week, the organizers of the LearnLaunch conference announced a new edtech accelerator, LearnLaunchX, which will be accepting applications starting February 20 for its first class in summer 2013. The terms are pretty standard: startups will get up to $18K in return for roughly 6% equity, and participate in a three-month program that includes workspace and classes and workshops from industry experts, along with basic legal, financial, and operation-related services.
And since three makes a crowd, the city of Boston and edX have teamed up for BostonX, the "first-of-its-kind project that will provide the city's residents with access to courses, internships job training and services, as well as locations for edX students to socialize." The focus currently appears to be on adult learners as pilots will roll out in local community centers to provide access to online classes and career-oriented skills development services.