BETA CLASSWITH.US combines simple progress reports and SMS/email notifications into a slick interface that eerily resembles the new Window 8 Metro-style UI. The beta tool allows teachers to create individual student reports that summarize the day (Challenging, Improved, or Good), report student attendance (Absent, Late/Tardy), and recommend a course of action for parents (Talk to your child, Congratulate your child, Requesting a conference). There's also a comments box for open-ended notes. Parents then receive a link to the reports via email or SMS and can respond to the teacher as they see fit.
Big props to the ClassWith.Us team for building a mobile-friendly cross-platform app but the 'beta' title is deserving -- double-blind communication is surprisingly missing so you'll need to gather parents' cell numbers. And there aren't any options to import class rosters or manage more than one class. Check it out and send feedback to @classwithus.