THOU SHALT BLEND: The guide universe was a flurry this week, and the first on our list an ebook on mobile learning put together by Lisa Nielsen of “The Innovative Educator” and 35 educators from the field (including #edtechchat co-founder Shelly Terrell and Educlipper’s Adam Bellow). The book contains a collection of personal anecdotes and “key lessons” on everything mobile, from running a bookless classroom in Houston, TX, to the must-have tools for boosting productivity.
Next up, Jackie Gerstein reminds us that teachers matter most with a guide-like blogpost on self-directed professional development, entitled “Teacher Agency.” If you missed Connected Educators’ Month, this is the guide for you. Gerstein stresses that while the students are important, every teacher should take PD time for him or herself--preferably with teacher in-service days and PLNs.
Last but not least, we can't forget about September's Blended Learning Implementation Guide by The Learning Accelerator (TLA) (sparked by their recent a promo video on the potential for blended learning). We think the guide is a good find, as does GettingSmart and the Denver Public School System.