TOO COOL (PERFECT FOR SCHOOL): We've got our favorite edtech teacher and administrator tools for the week right here, as highlighted in our Instruct newsletter! Our top S'Cool Tools are:
*Free: If you’re tired of flipping between tools, mobile app Otus could help you out. The teacher version offers a dashboard with the power of common edtech functions, from whiteboard capabilities to split screens and a polling function. The best part? The Otus creators are looking for feedback from you. Feel free to drop them a line with your thoughts after checking it out. (Here’s the student version.)
*Free: If you’re a fan of Socrative, but would like students to share how “confident” they are about their answers, check out Geddit, a student response tool with a twist. Students can check in multiple times throughout the lessons and rate their “confidence” on whether they understand a concept on a 1-to-5 scale, while also answering questions on that concept. Feedback is sent privately to teachers who can then surmise who actually knows the info and who thinks they know. (There’s always that one student…)
*$2.99 in App Store: Read with Me Fluency is a reading fluency assessment iPad app that provides teachers with ways to access lexile-aligned digital texts for students to read and/or conduct oral assessments. One neat feature: students can record themselves reading while on the app, which teachers can later use for scoring and grade report-generating.