TOO COOL (PERFECT FOR SCHOOL): Ding ding! We've got our favorite edtech teacher and administrator tools for the week right here, as highlighted in our Instruct newsletter! Our fave S'Cool Tools are:
Free! Old-school paper posters are so 1990. Time to update: Glogster lets kids can create online posters with audio, video, images, text, web links, and data sources. The site includes a set of classroom management tools for tracking curriculum objectives, tracking standards, and creating class-wide projects.
Free! No longer will Checks for Understanding be the same old “fist-to-five” or “thumbs up, thumbs down.” Kahoot! is a game-based assessment platform; educators can create their own “Kahoots” (quizzes, CFUs, surveys, etc.). Students can respond using personal devices (tablets or smartphones) and rack up points for right answers. Tired of generating your own questions? The Kahoot! community has over 170,000 publicly-posted Kahoots.
Free! If blogging sites like WordPress are a little too public, KidBlog offers a safe and simple space for students to journal their thoughts and hold academic discussions. Past use cases of KidBlog by educators have included generating classroom discussions, formatively assessing writing, creating e-portfolios, and teaching digital citizenship.