TOO COOL (PERFECT FOR SCHOOL): Yep, you guessed it--a roundup of our weekly edtech teacher and administrator tools, as highlighted in our Instruct newsletter. Our S'Cool Tools this week are:
*Free! Games design GlassLab announced that the already free Argubot Academy--a language arts game for ages 9-12--will now include a free teacher tools component as well. Translation: teachers will have access to a dashboard where teachers can track student progress on Common Core as they play the game. Download the game and teacher platform here.
*Free! If you’re tired of grading all those end-of-the-year exams, give your pens and wrists a break with the Quick Key App. Recently written up in TechCrunch, the Quick Key App provides teachers with a quick scanner in the palm of their hand, allowing for fast grading of formative assessment and data analytics reports. And teachers are loving in--TechCrunch reports that Istanbul teacher Younis Aydin recently used the app to grade 400 exams in less than an hour. It ain’t called “quick” for nothing!
*Free! Mind-mapping iOS app MagicalPad HD, originally $9.99, is being offered free for a limited amount of time. Students can track their tasks, chart the events of a novel, and more. Get it now--the free offering won’t go forever!
*Freemium: We’ll be honest--we’ve been jamming to some tunes in the EdSurge office for the last couple of days now, AND learning about fiction vs. nonfiction at the same time. How? Flocabulary. This library of online educational hip-hop songs and videos is full of engaging, high-quality, K-12 media. Flocabulary is free for the first 30 days, and then $7/month/classroom.