TOO COOL (PERFECT FOR SCHOOL): Ding ding! We've got our favorite edtech teacher and administrator tools for the week right here, as highlighted in our Instruct newsletter! Our fave S'Cool Tools are:
*Free! Industry heavy-hitters Kaplan and Microsoft just released a tool to get your students ready for Common Core Math. Core Score (designed for Windows) offers 5-question math practice sets covering curriculum in grades 3-8, alongside detailed answer keys for students and separate tools enabling teachers to review student and class performance.
*Free! With all the gizmos and gadgets around, an ability to do math problems device-free becomes even more impressive. MathTricks has a sizable list with easy-to-learn demos, from a nifty way to calculate area to a quick tool to figure out which day of the week a certain birthdate falls. Use these as a classroom tool or a party trick--or both.
*Freemium: Want to see which city’s lights are most visible at night? Or trace the Silk Road? Or plot the distance between World Cup contenders? Using Rand McNally Education’s World Atlas, your students can do such activities. You can also customize information to create blank maps for testing, or highlight particular data layers. Contact World Atlas for a free demo.
*License: VoiceThread, compatible with all Apple devices, enables you to have dynamic digital conversations with your students. Talk, type, draw and post documents, snapshots, diagrams and videos on the screen. Students can annotate documents, collaborate on drawings and share multimedia conversations. VoiceThread runs at $79/year or $15/mo per educator, or a sliding scale of pricing for a school or district.