GOOD BIG BROTHER: With 20-40 students in a class, how can teachers make sure that all students are using devices for the right purposes? One solution is mobile device management, or MDM. MDM enables educators to monitor use of mobile apps and administrators to enforce security policies, and over in The Journal, Leila Meyer asked teachers at three districts in Florida, New York and Minnesota to explain how they use MDM to guide learning and monitor student activity on devices in “Giving Teachers Control of MDM.”
But wait--MDM helps with more than catching students on Facebook. Mooresville Graded School District, in response to the problems posed by its 1:1 initiative, implemented a MDM system to manage updates and device support, as Meyer reports in a Mooresville focus article. “Through FileWave, we’re able to reach out and touch 5000 machines at one time,” explained superintendent Mark Edwards, saving time and manpower for projects like the student-run help desk.