SIIA FINALISTS: SIIA's Education Division has announced the ten finalists for its bi-annual Innovation Incubator program, which recognizes promising edtech tools for K-12 and higher-ed markets. We've heard from a couple of them in the past year: Gradeable (a formative assessment and gradebook tool that piloted in Innovate NYC Schools program) and ListenCurrent (which strongly believes there's a place for public radio in the classroom). Other finalists for the prestigious "Most Innovative" and "Most Likely to Succeed" award include a college application tool, behavior management system, and a "digital augmented reality game that takes chemistry concepts and brings them to life in a 3D world."
How good is SIIA at picking market leaders? You be the judge. Here are the past winners of the "Most Likely to Succeed" award:
- 2014: Ranku
- 2013: Brain Parade; LightSail
- 2012: Clever; Language Express
- 2011: Capstone Digital; Footsteps2Brilliance