IK12 DOES S'COOL TOOLS: This past week, EdSurge team visited the Imagine K12 Demo Day to fish for some fresh and upcoming S’Cool Tools. Read about all 17 products here, and check out a few that stood out.
Our tools of the week are:
Free! We all know that kids definitely love chatting online--now, imagine if you threw math into that equation! (Haha, we love that pun.) Mathchat helps students help each other. Teacher founder Sam Woodard noticed that when students didn’t understand a math problem, they would text a photo of it to a friend to get help. On MathChat, students can enter or draw a math problem, add friends to it, and collaborate by drawing, typing, and asking each other follow-up questions.
Free! Learning to code is great. But even the most enthusiastic of learners can get frustrated by having to spend hours to set up a proper local coding environment. That’s why Elliott Hauser created an entirely browser-based coding tool called Trinket. Trinket focuses on the Python coding language is currently free while the team explores revenue models. Here’s what teachers have said about the tool.
Free! Here’s one for the gamer in all of you: TeachMe is an online suite of internet math games, available for teachers, students, and parents to use inside and outside the classroom. Covering math concepts in Pre-K to 9th grade and searchable by Common Core State Standards, TeachMe also has progress reports and dashboards for parents and teachers to track individual student performance.
Freemium: Grading isn’t usually what educators look forward to on Sunday, but Edusight can help you out. This online gradebook is focused on bringing quantitative and qualitative data together in K-12 classrooms, so that teachers can add quantitative data, audio, and video to individual student profiles in real-time. While free for teachers, districts get perks when they sign up for accounts ($100/teacher/yr).