CHARM CITY LIVIN': Baltimore got inundated with 30+ edtech tools this weekend at the Baltimore Summit! Check out a sample of the tools below:
Free! Math teachers, this is for you! Want to teach number lines and estimation with games about hungry fish and pizza? Motion Math is offering a free iPad trial of seven of its games, covering topics from addition to negative numbers to pie charts.
Free! If your students get anxious about testing, drop the multiple choice and try Class Compete. Students solve academic problems in the non-threatening context of a game, giving them confidence and test-taking abilities just in time for you-know-what season in March.
$3.99: Team Q needs your students’ help in their quest to stop master thief Ladrone and find the lost city of Ich’aak! In Dig It’s Mayan Mysteries game, your students can learn about Mayan culture while deciphering glyphs, finding artifacts, and visiting ancient cities. A classroom edition provides log-ins for 30 students at $189.
License: Take your students on a virtual field trip with Cicero Kids! Users enter into an online, interactive museum, learning about history from the origins of the World Wide Web to what happened when when Isaac Newton saw an apple fall from a tree. Pricing varies based on class size and length of use--check out licensing options here.