RepVisits, a tool created to connect college counselors with university representatives, has been acquired for an undisclosed amount by Hobsons. Founded in 2015, RepVisits, a Connecticut-based startup, claims to have 11,000 users at 1,600 high schools and more than 2,000 colleges.
RepVisits founder Erica White, a former college counselor, said in an interview that she wanted to build “a solution that all high schools could use,” citing “cumbersome” logistical issues she faced in trying to schedule visits from college representatives through emails or phone conversations. She will remain on the Hobsons team as a product manager when the acquisition is complete.
According to Hobsons’ representatives, current product users should not expect changes to the tool in the immediate term, but later in the year RepVisits will be integrated into Naviance, Hobsons’ college and career readiness platform.