#DLNchat: Accessibility and Digital Learning

Digital Learning

#DLNchat: Accessibility and Digital Learning

Jul 27, 2017

How does accessibility fit into the conversation when supporting faculty who use digital tools?

All higher-ed institutions recognize the importance of creating learning experiences that are accessible for students with disabilities, including online classes and resources. But what does this look like in practice? And how can technology advance accessibility not just for students with disabilities but for all students?

On July 25, EdSurge HigherEd brought together instructional designers, instructors, administrators, and entrepreneurs to discuss: How does accessibility fit into the conversation when supporting faculty who use digital tools? #DLNchat was co-hosted by the Online Learning Consortium, WCET, the New Media Consortium and Tyton Partners.

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 8 at 8 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. PDT, to join our next chat as we discuss: “How can the changes in the design of digital classrooms affect the design of physical classrooms?” or catch our August 22 chat when we’ll ask: “How can institutions best support diverse student populations in using digital learning tools?”

Check out the latest #DLNchat thoughts, tweets and deets here:

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