TEACH 'EM A THING OR TWO: NYC Startup Teachem officially launched the School of You today giving anyone the ability to create unlimited classes from YouTube videos. Founder David Schnurman describes the platform as a "white-label branding" service where anyone can organize YouTube's 700K educational videos into "schools" and annotate those videos with time-stamped flashcards and review questions. Students can then access videos through any school and add their own "smart notes" in the margin. The annotation process is eerily similar to YouTube's Video Editor Beta but sans a multiple choice option. Schnurman says they've put this feature and "tons of others" on ice while they work on perfecting the current user experience. This isn't Teachem's first crack at the online video space. Parent company FurtherEd started as Lawline.com in 1999 and is currently the largest provider of online continuing legal education in the country.