data standards tag, you're it

data standards tag, you're it

Nov 30, 2011

TAG, YOU'RE IT: Ever Googled "math game" only to be sorely disappointed by the results? There's light at the end of the tunnel, reports ReadWriteWeb. Last week the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) submitted a specification to, a coordinated effort by search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing to map out different types of online content in a standardized format. (Nice to see them not going at each other's throats for once.) Tags will include info such as lesson objective, prerequisites, intended age range, platform, etc. It's a work-in-progress--check it out here. Definitely a promising step for users who'd like an easier time finding stuff that they actually want, and publishers who'd like to distinguish themselves from being lumped into the same ol' boring general categories.

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