@EdNET2011: EdSurge friend, Snehal Patel, founder of math social gaming company, Sokikom, filed this report after the Sept. 25-27 EdNET conference in Denver: "One word for EdNET2011: uber-networking. The meeting brings together lots of big, traditional companies in the K-20 space. The best moment was the excellent opening networking event: All participants get in front of a podium in a large room (feeling for a moment that they are the keynote speaker) and have 30 seconds to introduce themselves. (And yes, many people took more than 30 seconds!) I took notes on over a dozen people that I wanted to meet, aided by the fact that all their contact info (company name, email, and even picture) were projected on a big screen in the front of the room. People came looking for partners. The admission price is steep ($1,000 for early birds) but for edtech firms seeking partnerships or general networking, especially with potential acquirers (Pearson, HMH, McGraw-Hill), this was the place to be."