How Social Media Influences Teaching, Learning and the Student Experience

Teaching With Social Media

Youth Culture

‘Gen Z Teaches History’ Is a Viral TikTok Series That Mixes Learning and Humor

If you’re a history buff, you may already know that Cleopatra had a substantial amount of rizz. King Henry VIII, on the other hand, could be considered ...
By Nadia Tamez-Robledo
‘Gen Z Teaches History’ Is a Viral TikTok Series That Mixes Learning and Humor

Social Media Drives Youth Culture

Teens Now Turn to TikTok More Than Google — But Not for Schoolwork
Media Literacy

Teens Now Turn to TikTok More Than Google — But Not for Schoolwork

TikTok is coming for Google’s gig, as the kids might say. Translated, it means that the video-based social media platform is biting into the search ...
By Nadia Tamez-Robledo

Efforts to Regulate Social Media and (Mis)information

Media Literacy

For Teens (and Adults) Fighting Misinformation, TikTok Is Still ‘Uncharted Territory’

TikTok may have started as the preferred social media platform for modern dance crazes, but the platform’s growth has made it a home for something ...
By Nadia Tamez-Robledo
For Teens (and Adults) Fighting Misinformation, TikTok Is Still ‘Uncharted Territory’
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