Across the country, educators are changing practices to match a changing world. To get a peek behind the curtain, EdSurge has been visiting schools, convening educators and asking them to share about the novel ways they’re making learning more personal by rethinking what teaching the whole child really means, using evidence-based practices, incorporating innovative technologies and leveraging what we know about how humans learn to meet the needs of all learners.
Here are their stories.
To find the stories most meaningful to your practice, navigate through common themes and questions below:

Reaching All Learners: These stories explore how practitioners are addressing students’ needs and circumstances in order to empower all learners to flourish. Topics include: school models, identity development, alternative approaches to discipline, and integrated supports and services.

Building Character & Skills: These stories explore how practitioners are helping learners build social, emotional and academic skills that will prepare them for the future. Topics include empowering learners, relationship-building, project-based learning, work skills and wellness.

Evidence of Growth: These stories explore how practitioners are gathering, analyzing and using evidence to improve outcomes for students and school communities. Topics include alternative assessment, data analysis and professional learning.

From Research to Practice: These stories explore how practitioners are leveraging research, data and evidence to help students learn more effectively. Topics include: using research, data and evidence to guide practice and leveraging the science of learning and neuroscience.