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What's In It For Us?

Like our reporting, the way we do research here at EdSurge is from a service-first framework. We bring our readers insights about the future of education, and to do that, we involve educators just like you — teachers who serve students every day. Through our research, we amplify teachers' valuable voices, share their stories of overcoming classroom challenges, and color the data on teaching and learning that sometimes feels black and white.

This research will amplify teachers’ voices, equip more teachers will skills to effectively use AI in teaching and learning, and provide much needed data around a topic that many are worried about, but have little research on teachers’ AI usage to draw from. After we complete the study, we’ll ask for volunteers from our group to co-author research commentary articles about their experiences alongside an EdSurge researcher, who will contribute data from the study to accompany teachers’ narratives. Our findings will tentatively be published in Spring 2025 on our website.

If you’re an educator who doesn’t meet the criteria for this study, or you can’t make it to our group sessions, subscribe to our newsletters to stay updated on more opportunities to get your voice heard.


This EdSurge Research project is made publicly available with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. All stories are editorially independent. (Read our ethics statement here.)

This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. For more information on methodology on this project from our research team, contact

Follow our AI coverage

Check out this collection of our coverage so far in our collection: Artificial Intelligence Holds Promise for Education — and Creates Problems.

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