ABC Unified School District

ABC Unified School District

The district is moving toward a blended learning model in classes across the district, where students spend part of their in class and out of class time with online resources. The district is interested in resources that can be accessed anytime anywhere.

State: California Number of Students: 20,863
School Type: Public School District Free and Reduced Lunch: 50.3%
Grade Level: K-Adult English Language Learners: 21.0%

School Context

Curriculum: Equitable access to a rigorous curriculum, with Common Core aligned assessments and materials.

ELL: Increase support for English Language Learners using technology.

Technology: Support technology infrastructure capable of delivering CCSS and Smarter Balanced requirements and usetechnology to recruit, train and retain effective teachers.

Family: Increase family and community engagement.

Students: Develop systems to support student success.

Operations: Aim for effective resource management.

State of Technology

Common Core State of Mind: The district is particularly interested inthe use of technology to support the implementation and preparationfor Common Core standards. The district anticipates teaching students touse computers to learn how to problem solve, think critically, be creative,communicate and collaborate. It is particularly interested in curriculumand assessment systems that integrate Smarter Balanced test items intotheir programs.

1:1 Mobile: The district has used funding from the Verizon Foundationto pilot the use of 1:1 iPads at Niemes Elementary School and is currentlyin the process of rolling out 1:1 mobile devices across the district. As of2013, the computing device ratio averaged 5:1 in elementary schools, 3:1in middle schools, and 5:1 in high schools. All teachers throughout thedistrict have a dedicated workstation or set of laptop computers in theirroom, regardless of their access to mobile devices.

LMS: The district uses an LMS called Edline and encourages teachersto use the site to create websites, post class and calendar information,homework and assignments, and links to resources. Both parents andstudents are given access to this site.

Blending: The district is moving toward a blended learning model in classesacross the district, where students spend part of their in class and out of classtime with online resources. The district is interested in resources that can beaccessed anytime anywhere, particularly through its Edline web pages.

Bandwidth Issues: ABC Unified is still struggling with the need for increasedbandwidth and wireless access. In 2013, schools were still reporting problemswhen using tools that required a great deal of bandwidth.

Tech Needs & Requirements

The district has developed a recommended list of softwareto share district wide, so that they may take advantage ofvolume discounts. However, the decision is made site bysite. To get on the vendor approved list, a new vendor needonly contact the purchasing department and request to beplaced on the list. Vendors are dissuaded from contacting school staff directlyfor sales purposes. Curriculum software must be Common Core-aligned. Purchases of $500 or more require competitive quotes.

*Content From 2015

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