State: Texas | Number of Students: 83,270 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 57.4% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 28.0% |
State of Technology
Transformative Technology Plan: In 2015, AISD started redesigning teaching and learning in its schools. The district isfocusing on using technology to personalize instruction and encourage more students to drive their own learning. It isintegrating problem-based learning and design thinking. Teachers have been divided into cohorts and will be trained inthis new instructional model over the next few years. The first cohort will begin implementing this new model in fall 2016.Led by the district’s new Technology Design Team, a group of 20 coaches are dedicated to working side-by-side withteachers to implementing tech tools in the classroom. These coaches support 130 campuses in the district. Additionally,each school has a Campus Innovation Coach on the ground that partners with the Technology Design Coach to makesure all teachers have the support they need.
Learning by Doing, or Making: To reinvent the urban school experience, Austin ISD is rethinking its learning spacesin a few ways. The library media services department is planning to install modern furniture to revamp the learningenvironment. The district has been focusing on providing students with experiential learning opportunities, specificallythrough makerspaces. The Ann Richards School built a 2200-square foot makerspace with funding from Impact Austinand Intel. Austin ISD is particularly interested in connecting the makerspace movement to pedagogical practices. Thedistrict also built a state-of-the-art Applied Technology Center at Anderson High School with the support of the BoyScouts of America and a private donor.
In the Loop: AISD Cloud allows parents, students and teachers to access information that relates specifically to themthrough a role-based, single-sign on process. Parents can view their child’s academic progress and students can access Google Apps and other tools such as BrainPOP and DiscoveryEducation. AISD staff can access apps and HR information.
A Warm, Safe Digital Environment: Austin ISD is focused onsupporting students in being responsible digital citizens both at schooland at home. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is also a priority for thedistrict, which has a robust SEL team including coaches. Austin ISDis connecting digital citizenship with SEL, and the curricular team isworking to weave both into all areas of curriculum to make them comealive in every classroom.
Community Counts: In 2010, the district launched it’s Office ofInnovation and Development (OID) to build partnerships and increaseresources and learning opportunities for students. OID is also home tothe Youth Services Mapping System, which brings together over 100nonprofit organizations that provide services to AISD students.
Tech Needs & Requirements
The technology procurement team works closely with all technologydepartments in the district to ensure that each product is compatiblewith the AISD network and improves teaching and learning.