State: California | Number of Students: 53,354 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 44.7% |
Grade Level: K-Adult | English Language Learners: 13.6% |
School Context
Pupil Outcomes focused: The district is focused on increasing the quality and rigor of the core curriculum andinstruction by implementing California Common Core State Standards. To achieve this, the district is focused on qualityprofessional development for educators and expansion of its credit recovery program for students.
Career Technical Education: As a part of CNUSD’s focus on career readiness, the district is investing in technicaleducation pathways to support students in entering high-growth careers with strong employment opportunities. Theyprovide counselor support and training to place students in CTE pathways.
Engagement: By implementing measures at all schools to foster positive school environments and support students, aswell as establishing home-school partnerships, the district is more holistically supporting its students. Specific initiativesinclude piloting a character education program, an intervention program and a leadership program to support at-riskstudents and developing a counselor program to increase the number of counselors in the district.
State of Technology
Show Your Passport: CNUSD is a K-12 pioneer in digital badging forstudents. Any student can earn up to 12 badges between kindergartenand 12th grade that are virtually compiled in a “Passport to Success,” anonline portfolio formatted like a virtual passport. As the single largestissuer of open badges globally, CNUSD hosts an annual summer instituteon digital badging to share best practices with other districts in thecountry. This summer, CNUSD will host its third summit.
STEM Academies: Through a partnership with Project Lead the Way,a national nonprofit that provides STEM curricula and resources forschools, the district has established three small STEM academies withinexisting schools at Raney Intermediate School, Auburndale IntermediateSchool and Corona High School. Students at these schools take aspecialized sequence of classes that are focused on STEM and hands-onlearning experiences. The STEM Academy at Corona High School offersfour-year sequences in biomedical sciences and engineering programs.
Let’s Get Personal: CNUSD launched myCNUSD in Spring 2015. Theportal is a tool for students, teachers, parents, and staff. Students andteachers can use the platform to access district resources, communicateand get feedback on assignments, while parents can use the platform foraccessing schedules, student grades and more.
Tech Needs & Requirements
The district is exploring Learning Management Systems, professional development products, intervention software formath and ELA and assessment resources for Common Core implementation. CNUSD is also planning to purchase 42 mobile computer labs this school year.
Five Year Edtech Plan: The Edtech Steering Committee has been developing a new 5-year plan focused onpersonalized and blended learning, and professional development for teachers on curriculum and instruction.
New Online School: CNUSD has been developing an online school which will open to students in 2017-2018.
Piloting a BYOD Program: The Bring-Your-Own-Device pilot underway in sixth and seventh grades at Raney MiddleSchool will be school-wide within three years. Partnership: CNUSD and Riverside Unified School District will be hosting a consortium of districts that will bepartnering with