Frederick County Public Schools

Frederick County Public Schools

The district has shifted towards a BYOD model, and In an effort to support the initiative, the district has installed wifi in all schools and is teaching digital citizenship throughout the district.

State: Maryland Number of Students: 40,782
School Type: Public School District Free and Reduced Lunch: N/A
Grade Level: PK-12 English Language Learners: 4.5%

School Context

Funding: Frederick County Public Schools received $1 million in 2014 from the Frederick County Board of County Commissioners to upgrade technology at the middle school levelfor FCPS. Funding supported purchasing of hundreds of Chromebooks for each middle school. They also received $670,000 in 2013 from Digital Learning Grant from Maryland Department of Education, which has enabled FCPS to provide 1,200devices to middle schools. The grant also supported the development of digital curriculum in eighth grade English and Scienceclasses, as well as professional development for teachers around moving to a 1:1 model.

Lifelong Learners: FCPS aims for all classrooms to be safe, caring and intellectually stimulating, so that all students can becomelife-long learners.

Engaged Staff: The district is focused on ensuring that all staff are engaged, motivated and effective in their work with students.

Family Access: FCPS is focused on ensuring equity of access to programs and services for all families.

Connected Community: FCPS believes that support from all members of the school community leads to student success.

Resource Ready: FCPS is focused on providing every school and department with the resources necessary for strong teachingand learning.

State of Technology

Technology Now: In 2014, FCPS received $1 million in funding from theFrederick County Board of County Commissioners to upgrade technologyin all middle schools. To do this, the district came up with Technology Now:Digital Conversion Project Plan as an approach to using the funding in ameaningful way. All FCPS schools have wifi to support BYOD in addition to thedevices purchased with the funding. The initiative also focuses on PD for staff,including exploration of resources and training on devices. As part of theinitiative, 2,440 Dell Chromebooks and 81 carts were deployed to 15 schoolsites. Pending the budget, FCPS hopes to continue the initiative in 2015-16with a focus on high schools and elementary schools.

Embracing BYOD: As part of the Technology Now initiative, FCPS has shiftedtowards a BYOD model, allowing students to bring their own devices duringthe school day. In an effort to support the BYOD initiative, FCPS has installedwifi in all schools and is teaching digital citizenship throughout the district.

Tablets Galore: In spring 2013, three FCPS schools participated in a tabletpilot. Each school received 30 tablets of a different kind to pilot. Spring RidgeElementary School used iPads, Windsor Knolls Middle School used Androidtablets, and Catoctin High School used the Windows 8 tablet model. Thepilot aimed to explore which tablet was the most cost-effective, to be usedthroughout the county.

We’ve Got an App for That: The district developed an app for iPad/iPhonethat encourages the FCPS community to engage in dialogue with the schoolsystem. The app provides news updates, so all members of the communitycan get the information they need in a snap.

Virtual School: Frederick County Virtual School (FCVS) offers high school levelonline learning courses as an alternative to the traditional high school setting.Courses are aligned to FCPS curriculum and provide opportunities for honorsand AP classes. FCVS is blended, so while a portion of learning occurs whileinteracting with peers and teachers online, certain class sessions are face-to-face.


Technology Now: This initiative is focused on upgrading middle school technology, through funding from the Frederick CountyBoard of County Commissions. The plan is to expand the upgrade to upper elementary and high school grades in 2015-16, butthat is dependent on funding.

BYOD: FCPS has installed wifi in all schools and now allows students to bring their own devices into the classroom.

*Content From 2015

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