Ingenium Schools

Ingenium Schools

The network uses a standards-based instructional model to increase student engagement and achieve mastery of individual learning goals.

State: California Number of Students: 629
School Type: Charter Management Org Free and Reduced Lunch: 74.6%
Grade Level: K-8 English Language Learners: 24.8%

School Context

Personal Mastery: Utilize a standards-based instructional model to increase student engagement and achieve mastery ofindividual learning goals.

Continuous Improvement: Constantly monitor data to help students and teachers continuously improve.

Leadership: Encourage leadership and ownership in every phase of learning, including setting goals, developing skills,monitoring progress, and assessing growth.

State of Technology

Standards-Based Model: Ingenium Schools use a standards-basedinstructional model called the Ingenium Learning System (ILS). The ILSmeasures student advancement based on performance, rather than gradeand age. Ingenium students set learning goals, then move at their ownpace to master standards. Once students are ready, their proficiency isassessed through a specific assignment or exam. Once students showproficiency of a specific standard, they are encouraged to move onto mastering the next standard. The ILS is based on the Re-InventingSchools Model, developed in Chugach, Alaska. Technology supports theILS by providing students with individualized learning opportunities anddigital assessments, and enabling students, parents, and teachers tocontinuously track student progress.

Blended Learning: In 2013, Barack Obama Charter School, the network’sfirst school, began experimenting with blended learning. Students spend120 minutes per week on tools such as DreamBox, Study Island, andReading Eggs to practice skills. Since then, other Ingenium Schools havebeen experimenting with other programs, such as Eureka Math. IngeniumSchools looks forward to developing a more robust blended learningmodel across the network in the future.

Learning Lab: Each Ingenium School has a learning lab, and a mix ofpersonal tablets and laptop computers for online learning and technologystudies. However, they are transitioning away from the lab rotation modeland plan to include more computers and tablets directly in the classroom.They hope to one day have a one-to-one model at all Ingenium Schools.

Tech Needs & Requirements

Ingenium is in the process of developing requirements. The district needs an LMS or learning repository, Lexile testing tools and question banks that mimic the Common Core.


Growth: Ingenium plans to grow their current schools through middle and high school, and also expand the network tonew regions in the Inland Empire.

Bellridge Application: Ingenium hopes to become the first CMO to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. TheBaldrige Award is given to companies and organizations that demonstrate quality management systems.

*Content From 2015

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