State: Louisiana | Number of Students: 4,266 |
School Type: Charter Management Organization | Free and Reduced Lunch: N/A |
Grade Level: K-12 | English Language Learners: N/A |
School Context
Increased Instructional Time: KIPP New Orleans provides extra time during the school day for students to engage inacademic, arts and sports activities and for struggling students to receive extra academic support.vUsing Assessment to Guide Instruction: Teachers at KIPP New Orleans focus on using assessments to guide instructionand ensure that students are understanding the content for each lesson.
School Leaders Take Charge: At KIPP New Orleans, the school leaders are the decision-makers when it comes to budget,hiring, operations and more.
Setting High Expectations for All Students: KIPP believes that all students can learn and achieve success in college andtheir careers so schools set high expectations for every student.
Team Commitment: All teachers, students and parents sign the Commitment to Excellence agreement that binds allparties to support the student to succeed both at home and at school.
State of Technology
College Writing Buddies: College Writing Buddies, piloted in 2015 at KIPPCentral City Academy, is a program to improve middle school students’writing skills while building relationships with local college students. In itsfirst year, 35 Tulane University students were matched with 100 KIPP sixthgraders. Using Google Drive, the college students provided several roundsof feedback for students on various writing projects. This coming year, theCollege Writing Buddies plans to expand to 150 college students and 500middle school students.
Technology Ready: According to the 2015 Technology Footprintpublished by the Louisiana Department of Education (DOE), KIPP NewOrleans Schools have the necessary infrastructure needed for the digitalage. In preparation for the spring 2015 online PARCC assessment, the DOEsurveyed districts, evaluated their digital readiness, and published theirfindings in a series of reports. According to the report, KIPP New Orleanshas a 3:1 device to student ratio. In addition, KIPP New Orleans has 2,659computers which include 132 desktops and 2,527 laptops.
Lab Time: KIPP NOLA supports a lab rotation model in KIPP Central CityAcademy. Students rotate between their classes and a lab that supportsover 100 students at one time. The lab is supported by a full time teacherand several learning coaches. In the lab students work on tools such as STMath and Accelerated Reader.
The network is focused on expanding the College Writing Buddies program to reach more students and potentially spreadthe program beyond KIPP NOLA.