Sacramento City Unified School District

Sacramento City Unified School District

The district is moving towards a 1:1 device to student ratio across the district and is focusing on professional development to support teachers along the way.

State: California Number of Students: 46,843
School Type: Public School District Free and Reduced Lunch: 70.3%
Grade Level: K-Adult English Language Learners: 18.4%

School Context

College & Career Readiness For All: SCUSD prioritizes college and career readiness for all students in the district,encouraging high expectations and a desire for lifelong learning.

Family and Community: The district aims to involve all family and community members in an effort to raise studentsuccess in the classroom.

Teaching and Learning: Sacramento is focused on continuous improvement for students. To do this it focuses onrecruiting, supporting and maintaining a strong and diverse staff that delivers high quality instruction.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Takes a Front Seat: SCUSD is committed to incorporating SEL into all learningthroughout the district in order to support students with life skills, communication and collaboration skills, and work ethic.

State of Technology

Proof of Concept Schools: Two schools in the district, California and RosaParks Middle Schools, are involved in a special proof of concept projectwith the Department of Technology Services and the Academic Office. Theproject aims to pilot a 21st century instructional model. These schoolsreceived MacBooks, iPads and software in addition to weekly coaching andfeedback from the Academic Office. Tools are used to support studentsto demonstrate their understanding of concepts that have been taughtthrough new and exciting mediums like iBooks, podcasts, blogs, videosand digital storytelling. Students post their work in Edmodo where theycollaborate with both peers and teachers to give and receive feedback.SCUSD plans to expand this model over the next few years.

Materials Development Lab: The district has a “Materials Lab” thatprovides a wide range of materials and machinery that can supportclassroom curriculum. The lab is also a place where educators can receivetraining to improve instruction in the classroom.

Shifting Towards One-to-One: Currently, most schools in the district havecomputer labs or lab carts with mobile and sharable devices. However,SCUSD has a goal of shifting all of its schools to a 1:1 environment. To dothis, the district is simultaneously planning for professional developmentto support the shift for both teachers and administrators.


A Shift Towards One-to-One: SCUSD is gradually moving towards a 1:1 device to student ratio across the district and isfocusing on professional development to support teachers along the way.

*Content From 2015

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